Honourable Panca Cemerlang Foundation Board, Honourable Director of Pah Tsung School, Mr Anhar Anugrah, Honourable Vice Director of Pah Tsung School, Mr Raya Inderi, Honourable Pah Tsung School Alumni, Honourable Pah Tsung Senior High School Head Teacher, Mrs Ester Setiawati Budirahardjo, Honourable Teachers, And my fellow graduates. Today, we find ourselves on the threshold of a new journey, where the labyrinth of life awaits us with its twists and turns. This is a moment of great significance as we bid adieu to the comfort of our school and take on the challenges of the world outside. As we move forward, we are bound to encounter a myriad of obstacles. We may find ourselves lost in the labyrinth of life, confounded by the complexity of human existence, and perhaps even relentlessly questioning our true places in the universe’s grand design. However, even in the midst of confusion and uncertainty, as Bill Nye, the science guy, once said, "Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't,", let us approach the world with open hearts and open minds, with eagerness to learn and grow from those around us, for people we encounter might be the ones to guide us through the labyrinth of life. To our teachers, we express our deepest gratitude for the knowledge and guidance that you have imparted to us. Your unwavering support and belief in us have helped shape us into the individuals we are today. To our families and friends, we thank you for your love and encouragement, which have been our constant sources of strength and inspiration. And to my fellow graduates, we have emerged from the labyrinth of high school, and the world is waiting for us to create our own paths. So let us go forth with courage, curiosity, and compassion, and make our mark on the world. Congratulations, Class of 2023. We’ve made it!
Alasan saya memilih Sekolah Pah Tsung karena Sekolah Pah Tsung sekolah trilingual yang berfasilitas ,lengkap, guru penggajar asing yang mendukung proses pembelajaran, pendidikan budi pekerti yang baik, pendidikan agama sesuai dengan keyakinan siswa dan sebelumnya anak saya belum bisa berbahasa Mandarin, saat ini lancar mandarin dan dapat universitas di Tiongkok
Alasan memiliki Sekolah Pah Tsung karena mempuyai program tiga bahasa, yang berbasis mandarin. Mempunyai guru native dan lokal yang capable mendukung proses pembelajaran mandarin dan lainnya.
Alasan saya memilih Sekolah Pah Tsung: 1. Sekolah Pah Tsung mempunyai keunggulan sekolah dengan 3 bahasa: Mandarin, Inggris dan Indonesia. Mandarin nya unggulan. 2. Sekolah Pah Tsung, sekolah plural. Pelajaran agama diberikan sesuai keyakinan anak. mempunyai toleransi yang baik.
Saya memilih Sekolah Pah Tsung untuk putra saya karena, Sekolah dengan tiga bahasa ( Inggris, Mandarin dan Indonesia). Menurut saya, Bahasa asing itu penting dikuasai untuk komunikasi di masa depan. Kedua, Sekolah Pah Tsung adalah sekolah yang ramah terhadap anak. Gurunya sabar, ramah dan kreatif terhadap anak. Ketiga, Putra saya mempunyai perkembangan sosial dan emosi yang baik, seperti disiplin, kepedulian terhadap teman. Keempat, Dekat dengan rumah. Lingkungan sekolah dekat rumah menimbulkan rasa aman dan keefektifan dalam pembelajaran di sekolah.
Optimistis, Progresif, Kooperatif, Dedikatif
乐观 , 进取 , 合作 , 奉献
Optimistic, Progressive, Cooperative, Dedicated